

Photographic notes :

  1. The word photography literally means “drawing in light”.

  2. 摄影的字面意思是:“光线中的画影”。

  3. Photographers use shadow and light as the medium. Begin to notice how light changes the way things appear.

  4. 摄影者是以光和影作为媒介,从而观摩光线的变化导致物体所呈现的状态。

  5. Photographs seem to stop time. Each one freezes a moment.

  6. 照片就是固化了的时间,每一张照片都凝固了某个时刻。

  7. Photographs can speak to us in ways that words cannot.

  8. 照片能告诉我们一些文字不能表达的意境。

  9. Our natural curiosity about people inspires us to want to photograph the inner qualities of a person.

  10. 我们对于他人的好奇心驱使我们从人物的外表去发掘人的内在品质。

  11. Learning about photography is learning about a new visual language.

  12. 学习摄影实际上就是在学习一种形象语言。

  13. Photography, like all art forms, is a personal thing. Your personal statements can express what you choose to say.

  14. 和其它所有的艺术一样,摄影是摄影者看世界的个人视角,你的个人视角让你用你自己的方式解释世界。

  15. You give the people who look at your photographs the opportunity to know who you are.

  16. 人们可以通过你的摄影作品来了解你的内心世界。

  1. Photographs can speak to us in ways that words cannot.
  2. 照片能告诉我们一些文字不能表达的意境。



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