Windows11 有什么特别的地方吗? 是不是会有许多应用软件不匹配?值得不值得装呢?
小天才根據你的CPU反推,認為你的電腦應該是值得裝的,一般說來,你的電腦只要在啟動時進入BIOS(UEFI)就可以打開 secure boot。
试了一下,不行,一进入secure boot (UFEI) 系统就找不到启动盘了, 吓得我赶紧改回去。可能我的电脑有问题。再等几年买个正牌的吧。
啟動盤找不到不一定和打開了secure boot有關,不過,如果太舊就不折騰了,不值得。
这台电脑的SNID是00000000000,大概就过不了secure boot这一关。
按照微软的说明,我找不到打开UEFI的开关。(setting→update and securityj→→→NEFI setting)
直接进入BIOs 里, 可以看到secure boot setting, 打开了,再启动就是不启动系统了。
windows 11 要不要现在装?
DOS,是磁碟作業系統(英文:Disk Operating System)
在台北市的 館前路 和 漢口街 的附近。
那之後windows 95出來了。
隔幾年,在台北市的 館前路 和 漢口街 的附近, 學了怎樣上網。
好了,我的電腦已經是 win11 了,昨晚我睡覺,小兒子幫我升級了。
任務條原來下方左端起首,現在在下方的中央了(當然也可以設置繼續靠左)。除此之外,所有的感覺與 win10 沒什麼不同。
木衛二不懂中文,我把你的意思說給他聽,他說你低估了現在的軟件的嚴密程度了。首先,你說的這些並不是問題,從你的CPU看來,你的電腦不算舊,應該是可以安裝 win11 的。
其次,比較好的主機板,都可以給操作系統留下一些特殊的通道,操作系統可以在安裝的時候,打開並且改變某些 BIOS 的設置。
木衛二說你應該直接試試升級安裝,如果真的不行,安裝程序會中止,並且給你明確的不能安裝的技術原因,機器會恢復到你試圖安裝之前的設置,不可能帶來任何損壞的。因為在 win10 的設計上,就已經為以後的版本升級留下了接口,行還是不行,不會有太模糊的空間。
“Directly installation” means like this?
But after I follow the guide, the installation assistant told me this:
or show me this
Is there another installing way?
I also tried to open secure boot in BIOS setting, but my computer couldn’t start up Windows system. I had to return secure boot to be unable status.
This is that Microsoft tell me to do like next, but, I failed at this step.
Next is my test in BIOS setting
normally, my bios is like this:
then I tried to change secure boot enabled
and boot options to be changed like this
Then, when I restarted the System, it will fail to start the system file.
Then I come back to Bios, returning every change back.
I think my pc couldn’t open UEFI boot, so Microsoft don’t let me install Windows 11
Hi, this is Sam. I have a theory why the PC cannot boot after enabling Secure Boot. I think it’s to do with the OS drive’s partition table formatting.
In Windows, could you check to see if your OS drive is MBR or GPT formatted?
If the drive is “GUID Partition Table (GPT)” formatted, then it should be able to support disabling CSM and enabling Secure Boot.
If the drive is “Master Boot Record (MBR)” formatted, then Windows won’t be able to boot when “Launch CSM” is disabled. There is a way to convert MBR disks to GPT using a tool called mbr2gpt.
Could you help take a look and see what the partition table type is on your machine?
Mujiang and Sam
My computer is as you pointed out, the partition style is MBR.
Some net guider said I can try the command “mdr2gpt.exe/convert”, but it didn’t succeed
If system upgrade will let me lose files and applications, I prefer to stay in Windows 10. Too many trouble to me .
Here is a guide that tell me how to convert MBR to GPT without losing data (https://www.diskpart.com/gpt-mbr/mbr-vs-gpt-1004.html) .
Do you think it is OK? If I convert C drive to GPT, how about my other drives?
That should be the correct approach. The mbr2gpt tool should convert the disk to GPT without deleting data.
Try this guide. It recommends rebooting to Advanced Startup Settings and running Command Prompt there. If you run within Windows, you have to run Command Prompt with administrator and add a “/allowfullos” switch to the command.
Only the C drive has to be GPT formatted. Other drives don’t matter.
Sam, this time, convert succeed! Thank you.!
Next will be upgrading to Windows 11.
小天才說,在升級這一塊,微軟已經下了功夫的,在 win10 中做了很多準備。所以我們不要沒有目標的亂試。如果繼續有任何不暢,可以把問題貼在這兒。
不过我还有问题, I have 2 other PCs, system said the CPU doesn’t be supported to Windows 11. In this case, how to fix it? Change to a newer machine?
One CPU even is i7-7780, just bitter lower than Windows 11 requirement (< i7 8800). 有点不甘心。
There is a way to force the Windows 11 update installer to ignore unsupported CPUs by editing the registry. Microsoft has an article that describes how to edit the registry to skip the CPU check. See the section under “Other ways to install Windows 11 (not recommended unless instructed by support)”.
Personally, I would wait to install Windows 11 on older machines, since there isn’t much of a difference right now in terms of features.
Sam, thanks your advice., I will wait and enjoin Windows 11 installed in my PC for a while. This year, too many Windows 10’s updates come from Microsoft side. I wondered Windows 10 will be unstable…
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